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Amendments to Ordinance on the Manner and Conditions for the Provision of Electronic Communications Networks and Services enter into force today

Amendments to the Ordinance accelerate and simplify measurement procedures using the HAKOMetar, or switching to another operator in fixed communications networks. Modifications also relate to informing consumers about consumption, right to refund the unused amount when changing the operator in a pre-paid service, and the provision of special rate services.
ZAGREB, 12 March 2014 – The Ordinance on amendments to the Ordinance on the Manner and Conditions for the Provision of Electronic Communications Networks and Services enters into force as of today. The Ordinance complements the provisions of the Electronic Communications Act, in particular those concerning the manner of service provision to end users. It was adopted following a public consultation and a detailed analysis of all received comments.
The amendments to the Ordinance have accelerated the earlier procedure in the cases when a user wishes to file a complaint with his/her operator and prove that the operator does not deliver the minimum agreed Internet access speed. The measurement period from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. has been abolished and the number of measurements which the end user must conduct by using the HAKOMetar application has been reduced, i.e. from seven to only three measurements. The HAKOMetar application has also been upgraded in accordance with the amendments, so that now it also enables a direct sending of complaints to the operator upon the completion of the measurement procedure.
A procedure for a faster switching has been prescribed in the cases when users switch to another operator of public communications services in the fixed electronic communications network. Namely, modifications to the Ordinance prescribe the deadlines for the change, and if the new operator fails to realise the requested service, it must, on the basis of the end user’s written request, pay to the end user a penalty fee for delay in the amount of fifty (50) kuna for each day of the delay, until the service realisation day or the contract termination day.
In addition to the above, modifications have been prescribed and amended, which refer to the notification of users about the consumption of services, the right to refund the unspent amount in the case of a pre-paid service in case of number portability, as well as modifications which refer to the provision of special rate services.
The Ordinance on amendments to the Ordinance on the Manner and Conditions for the Provision of Electronic Communications Networks and Services is available on HAKOM’s website:, and the new version of HAKOMetar on
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For additional information please contact:
Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM)
Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9
10110 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel. + 385 (0)1 700 70 07
Fax + 385 (0)1 700 70 70
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HAKOM ( - Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency – ensures preconditions for a fair market competition, stable growth and environment for innovations in the electronic communications and postal services market. HAKOM protects users’ interests and the possibility of choice among various communications and postal services at affordable prices, defines sustainable competitive conditions for operators and service providers under fair conditions for return on investment, and provides support to economic growth, public services and the quality of life in the Republic of Croatia by using modern technologies. HAKOM’ strategic goals are: to promote regulation of the electronic communications and postal services market, to support growth of investments and innovations in the electronic communications and postal services market, to provide efficient use of limited resources, to accelerate the growth of broadband products and services, to provide affordable offers of communications and postal services, to provide protection and informing of users, to build an efficient and comprehensive information system, to define and implement efficient processes, and to acquire multi-disciplinary competencies in market regulation.