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The 3rd Workshop within the Scope of the “Competition Law for Practitioners” entitled “Introduction to Cartels”


The Croatian Transport Law Association, the Croatian Competition Law and Policy Association (HDPPTN) and HAKOM held the third workshop within the scope of the “Competition Law for Practitioners” entitled “Introduction to Cartels”.

Zagreb, 19 February 2020 – A workshop “Introduction to Cartels” was held in HAKOM. This was the third workshop, held within the scope of “Competition Law for Practitioners” The Croatian (HDTP), the Croatian Society for law and competition Policy (HDPPTN) and HAKOM.
More than twenty participants attended the workshop. Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics Department of Law) presented the subject of cartel agreements between entrepreneurs from the perspective of the European and Croatian law.
Cartel agreements are considered the most serious infringement of competition law because they lead to a situation of collective monopolies in the market i.e., to the abolition of competition among competitors that are inherent to a market economy.

Although the cartels lead to clear negative consequences on consumer welfare (prices on cartelized markets are 15-30% higher than if hadn’t been any cartels), they generate huge profits for the undertakings involved, which makes them difficult to eradicate at a global level.
Ms. Pecotić Kaufman pointed to possible difficulties in proving cartels, particularly in more developed economies, which led to the development of institutes such as the immunity for whistle-blowers and high fines for perpetrators on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to the development of jurisprudence at the level of the highest European courts allowing for a more flexible interpretation of Article 101 “Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union” (Agreement upon a single comprehensive doctrine and Common Doctrine Classification ).
Numerous examples of domestic practice were topic of the workshop, such as the case of Osijek bakery cartel, the first case where Croatian Agency for Protection of Market Competition imposed a fine on perpetrators based on 2009 Competition Protection Act, and the case of the cartel of Split Auto schools where Croatian Agency for the Protection of Market Competition also acted.

Particular attention was paid to the distinction between explicit and tacit collusion, the proof of cartel infringement in the parallel treatment of competitors on the market, and the arguments that undertakings often put forward before our competent authorities, which do not lead to exhumation. In addition, cases of exchange of information between competitors, which may, under certain circumstances, be part of a cartel arrangement, have been analysed and, in others, may be regarded as market behaviour which does not lead to an infringement of Article 101. Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, or Article 8 Of the Act on the Protection of competition.

At the end of the workshop, Ms. Pecotić Kaufman also discussed the parent company's responsibility for the subsidiary's participation in the cartel arrangement, possible cartel settlements available as a possibility in proceedings conducted by the European Commission, but not by the domestic authority, immunity issues for cartel applicants and possible damages compensation for persons damaged by cartel activities on the market.
As it used to be in this cycle, this one was extremely useful to trainees (lawyers, corporate lawyers, etc.). Aside from the further development of domestic practice, the topics of cartel agreements and their Regulation under the competition protection regulations will certainly remain one of the key topics for all those interested in the market law.

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