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Safer Internet Day: “Together for a better Internet”


Zagreb, February 11 – On the occasion of the International safer Internet day,  in co-operation with the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries and the operators A1 Croatia, Croatian Telecom and Tele2, the safer Internet Centre ( gathered students and teachers at Tin Ujević elementary school in Zagreb to draw attention to better, more responsible and safer Internet usage.
On that occasion, some of the most famous Croatian you tubers gathered  to share their experience with children and their teachers on how to protect themselves from the dangers on the Internet and how to harmonize their actual and virtual world. The presentation was given by Ema Luketin, Maša Zibar (Mashin 'the beauty), Luka Črneli (Lavvek), Neno Hadzihajdic (PVTMole) and Ivan Rado (Malajski Tapir) along with Domagoj Jakopović Ribafish, journalist and blogger.

The joint meeting began with a song performed by the students of the El Musicante guitar school, who, although elementary school students themselves, with their energy and excellent performance, managed to take their peers for at least  few minutes to travel away from the screen and the virtual world which is today synonymous with most children for entertainment. Furthermore when it comes to the world of the Internet, Domagoj Jakopović – Ribafish, the moderator of the entire event explained that travel can be both; a big fun and danger

No matter how harmless playing on a computer, tablet or mobile phone looks, most often we are not even aware of the dangers they are hiding at just one click distance. There are educational and smart games teaching us and making better people, but we certainly need to pay attention not to relax too much and let the games rule over reality and lose that important boundary between reality and fantasy. Therefore, by heart, listen to your parents and teachers and try to enjoy as much as possible what you can share with the loved ones, from woods to parks, pools, playgrounds..., Ribafish said.

As the right to freedom of expression comes with responsibility, Tomislav Ramljak, head of CNZD, tried to explain to his students ; social networks enable us to share memories of important life events. We publish photos and videos so that our escort can see what we've been through. Unforgettable date, favourite song, seaside socializing. All these events make revelations on our profiles. It is extremely important for us to record everything that is happening to us because we lead two parallel lives – real and virtual. But if we focus on photographing our birthdays, will we really experience joy and joy? Is that how we live our lives or do we fill out our profiles? The online world is a place where we share our experiences, but it cannot replace the colours of our colourful reality. Let's ask ourselves, if we don't live our true lives, what stories remain behind us when we turn off our cell phones?

In cooperation with the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) and the A1 Croatia operators, Croatian Telecom and Tele2, THE CNZD plans a series of activities which will together continue the journey with the aim of creating a better Internet, as they committed two years ago when, during the observance of safer Internet day 2018, they signed the Charter on the Safety and Protection of children on the Internet. That these are not only letters on paper it was demonstrated the following year, when the Agreement on the creation of the online platform “SINI” was signed on safer Internet day 2019, and what is the plan, the representatives of the partners said below:

Today life s unimaginable without the Internet and all the opportunities the Internet offers us. Children are especially connected to the Internet, it enables them to communicate quickly, changing ideas, researching,learning and creating things we could not have imagined without the Internet. However, we have to be responsible when using the Internet and in this use we have to respect other people. HAKOM joined in marking safer Internet day because we want to raise the awareness about internet security and important problems in raising new generations that use the Internet, said Miran Gosta, director at HAKOM.

Aside from the Internet, technology has enabled children to be equal with adults, sometimes even a little more advanced. Therefore, they need constant support in order to manage the digital world, and parents and institutions need to help them. “The task of all of us is to enable them to do this,” said Dubravka Štefanac, the managing director of corporate communications, A1 Croatia.

Technology opens up unthinkable possibilities for development, but in order to exploit its full potential, it is necessary to educate society, children and young people about its proper use and risk recognition in the digital space. Our wish is to connect young people with the opportunities provided by the latest technologies in order to have positive effect on their own development and influence the creation of a better future for society as a whole, said, Nina Išek Međugorac the corporate communications director of Croatian Telecom.

Digitalisation changes the world around us on a daily basis. With numerous advantages, the virtual environment in certain segments can seriously influence the proper development of children's personality and their safety. From the beginning, we support the initiative to mark safer Internet day because we want to actively help children and young people to grow up safely. I am particularly pleased that we reminded them today that there are beautiful experiences outside of mobile screens, said Sonja Miočić, director of Tele2 Hrvatska Communications.

This year, more than five hundred schools attended the safer Internet day, Marking this day they make contribution to raising awareness of safer Internet usage.

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For additional information please contact:
Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM)
Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9
10110 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel. + 385 (0) 1 700 70 07
Fax + 385 (0)1 700 70 70
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ABOUT HAKOM: HAKOM ( - Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries – ensures preconditions for a fair market competition, stable growth and environment for innovations in the electronic communications and postal services market. HAKOM protects users’ interests and the possibility of choice among various communications and postal services at affordable prices, defines sustainable competitive conditions for operators and service providers under fair conditions for return on investment, and provides support to economic growth, public services and the quality of life in the Republic of Croatia by using modern technologies. HAKOM’ strategic goals are: to promote regulation of the electronic communications and postal services market, to support growth of investments and innovations in the electronic communications and postal services market, to provide efficient use of limited resources, to accelerate the growth of broadband products and services, to provide affordable offers of communications and postal services, to provide protection and informing of users, to build an efficient and comprehensive information system, to define and implement efficient processes, and to acquire multi-disciplinary.


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HAKOM - Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrežne djelatnosti – osigurava pretpostavke za ravnopravno tržišno natjecanje, stabilan rast i prostor za inovacije na tržištima elektroničkih komunikacija te poštanskih i željezničkih usluga. HAKOM štiti interese korisnika i osigurava mogućnost izbora usluga po prihvatljivim cijenama, određuje održive konkurentne uvjete operatorima, davateljima poštanskih usluga i željezničkim prijevoznicima uz pravedne uvjete za povrat ulaganja te pruža podršku ekonomskom rastu, javnim uslugama i kakvoći života u RH primjenom suvremenih tehnologija. Strateški ciljevi HAKOM-a su unaprjeđenje regulacije tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija te željezničkih i poštanskih usluga, podržavanje rasta ulaganja i inovacija u tržišta, učinkovita uporaba ograničenih resursa, ubrzani rast širokopojasnih usluga, velika ponude komunikacijskih, željezničkih i poštanskih usluga, zaštita i informiranje korisnika, izgradnja učinkovitog i sveobuhvatnog informacijskog sustava, određivanje i ugradnja učinkovitih procesa te stjecanje multidisciplinarnih stručnosti i znanja u području reguliranja tržišta.