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Communications Network

Number portability

The operators of publicly available telephone services, including mobile electronic communications network services, must enable subscribers of their services, upon their request, to keep their assigned number regardless of the change of operator in case of geographical numbers at a specific location, or at any location in case of non-geographical numbers (numbers in mobile electronic communications network).
The obligation of number portability does not refer to the case of change of geographical location of the subscriber, or in case of number portability between fixed and mobile electronic communications network.
The subscriber shall submit the application for number portability to the recipient operator of the number (operator to whose network the subscriber is porting the number) by completing the form for number portability in mobile or fix  network.
The number recipient must inform in detail the user requesting number porting on the procedure especially on:
  • time period in which the user will not be able to use the service (time frame for number porting),
  • loss of services used in the network of the number provider after porting the number to the recipient network,
  • scope of use and service activation with number recipient,
  • manner of payment for current charges for provided telecommunications services in the network of the service provider,
  • reasons in case the number porting is not possible,
  • reasons for the delay in number porting,
  • time period after which the user can request number porting again,
  • conditions for number porting.
The number recipient, immediately upon receiving the request for number porting, shall forward the request to the number provider, which will represent the final request of the subscriber for termination of subscriber’s relationship with the number provider.

The advice on how to change the operator and keep the number can be found under Advice.  Gudiance on how to submit the request and check the status of your application on line, can be found under e-Agency.