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About us

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (the Authority) with its registered office in Zagreb is the national regulatory authority for carrying out regulatory and other tasks within the scope and competences prescribed by the Electronic Communications Act, the Postal Services Act and the Act on Regulation of the Rail Services Market and the Protection of the Rights of Rail Passengers.
The Agency is an independent, autonomous and non-profit legal entity with public authority. The work of the Authority is public.

The founder of the Authority is the Republic of Croatia, and the founding rights are exercised by the Croatian Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croatia. The Authority is responsible to the Croatian Parliament.

The Act stipulates that the Authority shall be managed by a Council of the Authority composed of five members, including the President and Deputy President of the Authority’s Council.

The President and members of the Board of the Authority shall be appointed and dismissed by the Croatian Parliament on a proposal from the Government of the Republic of Croatia for a period of five years. The Deputy President of the Council of the Authority, on a proposal from the President of the Council of the Authority, shall be appointed by the Authority’s Council by a majority. The Board of the Authority shall take its decisions by a majority of the members of the Board of the Authority. The Authority has an expert service that performs professional, administrative and technical tasks, and is organised in accordance with the Statutes and other general acts of the Agency.

The Authority’s expert service shall be managed by the Executive Director of the Authority appointed by the Board of the Authority on the basis of a public tender, for a period of four years. The Executive Director of the Authority shall report to the President of the Council of the Authority and the Council of the Authority for his work. The competence of the Authority is laid down in Article 16. Electronic Communications Act (76/22), Article 8. Of the Postal Services Act (144/12, 153/13, 78/15 and 110/19), Articles 14 and 28. Act on the Regulation of the Rail Services Market and Protection of the Rail Passengers Rights (OG 104/17).

Statute of the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (OG 11/19)