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Communications Network

How to notify putting a radio station into service?

Before putting a radio station into service, for which data submission is mandatory, it is necessary to report the geographical location and technical details of each newly installed radio station, or any changes to an existing one, to HAKOM. This obligation does not apply to holders of licences for the use of radio frequencies on vessels, aircraft, and in amateur services, as well as users of the radio frequency spectrum operating under a general licence that does not require such notification.

Instructions and application forms for notifying the start of operation of a radio station, along with the associated installation report, can be found here: In the event of any changes to the parameters of radio stations, as compared to the licence for the use of the RF spectrum in broadcasting (issued through a public tender or auction for DVB-T and DVB-H multiplexes), the licence holder is required to notify HAKOM 30 days before the planned commencement of operations. The station may only start operation once HAKOM has granted approval.

Instructions regarding changes to the parameters related to the licence for the use of the RF spectrum in broadcasting, issued via public tender or auction, along with the relevant form, can be found here.