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HAKOM is gradually introducing a modern and powerful e-Agency system that includes electronic, Internet-based applications such as: e-Consultations, e-Complaints, e-Portability, e-Licence, e-Marketplace, e-Tender, e-Auctions, e- Tips, e-Pricing, e-Offer etc.
We believe that this is the best way to meet the needs of the interested parties in the electronic communications and postal services market and to ensure high quality services, easy access and fast delivery of information, and increase our own productivity and efficiency.
At this time, the following applications are available to you:
  • e-Complaints
  • An application through which the user, after registration, can submit complaints electronically.
  • e-Portability
  • By using the application, you can check the portability status of your phone number transfer, as well as the network in which a particular number is currently located.
  • e-Registry “DO NOT CALL”
  • A free public registry of consumer phone numbers who do not wish to be contacted by merchants via phone calls or SMS and MMS messages for advertising and sales purposes.
  • e-Operator
  • The application supports the data management system for electronic communication operators, enabling operators to submit preliminary notifications and other related requests such as requests for primary allocation of addresses and numbers, as well as reports on gross income and data on number groups.
  • e-Market
  • Within the application, you can find collected and analysed data on electronic communications markets as well as postal and railway services.
  • e-Procurement
  • e-Procurement is a digital, professional, open, and transparent process of public procurement that makes the procurement process more accessible, simpler, and faster.
  • e-Licenses
  • This service enables users to electronically submit requests for issuing licenses for the use of RF spectrum on vessels (e-Vessels), in broadcasting (e-Broadcasting), in microwave links (e-Microwave Link), for fixed radio stations (e-Fixed), for mobile radio stations (e-Mobile), in satellite service (e-Satellite), on aircraft (e-Aeronautical), and in amateur service (e-Amateur).
  • E-Approval
  • This service enables users to electronically submit requests for issuing approvals for the use of RF spectrum in microwave links (e-Microwave Link Approval), for fixed radio stations (e-Fixed Approval), and for mobile radio stations (e-Mobile Approval).
  • e-Right of Way
  • The application enables electronic submission of requests for issuing a right of way certificate and calculating the amount of the right of way fee, facilitating electronic exchange of necessary documentation with the infrastructure operator and HAKOM.
  • e-Conditions
  • The application for electronically submitting requests for granting special construction conditions defined by regulations under the jurisdiction of HAKOM, and issued by HAKOM  in the process of granting location permits (determining special conditions and issuing confirmation of the main project).
  • e-Guidelines
  • The application for electronically submitting requests for issuing guidelines in the processes of spatial planning or their amendments and supplements.
  • E-Discussion
  • The e-Discussion is an automated system for the electronic public consultation providing the registered users to work collectively when adopting documents of common interest.
  • e-RP Registration
  • The e-RP Registration service represents a system for managing applications for SNG (Satellite News Gathering) and WAS/RLAN (Wireless Access Systems/Radio Local Area Networks) radio stations specified by appropriate general permits based on which RF spectrum is used.