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Impact of EM Fields

The deployment of 5G networks will lead to an increase in the number of base stations that will simultaneously use different technologies operating in a larger number of radio frequency bands.

Taking into account the human health protection, 5G technology is not significantly different from other technologies already used for mobile communications networks in close frequency bands.

Regarding the impact of 5G on human health, the World Health Organization (WHO) published its position on the following link and concluded that, while respecting the existing international recommendations for limits on electromagnetic field levels, no impact on public health is expected.

In order to minimise the impact of EMF when using mobile devices, the Ministry of Health issued Preventive Recommendations for the Usage of Mobile Devices.

Moreover, the EU Commission expressed its view regarding EMF and 5G on the following link. For more information on public health protection please see the document.

Joint Research Centre, the service for science and knowledge at the European Commission, published a preliminary study on electromagnetic emissions from mobile communications networks and the potential impact on health in June 2021, available at the link.

In Croatia, the protection of people from electromagnetic fields (EMF) falls within the competence of the Ministry of Health, which prescribes protection measures by the Ordinance on Protection against Electromagnetic Fields (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health).

The prescribed limit values for the public domain in Croatia are based on the Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC on limiting the exposure of people to EMF (0 Hz - 300 GHz). By defining the area of increased sensitivity, the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health introduced an additional area of protection in relation to the Council of the European Union Recommendation for which stricter limit levels are prescribed in relation to the limit levels for public areas, 2.5 times more stringent for the strength of the electrical field, and 6.25 times more stringent for the power density.

Group 1 - restrictions according to the EU recommendation
Group 2 - without restrictions or less stringent restrictions than the EU recommendation
Group 3 - stricter restrictions than the EU recommendation

Source: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands

Monitoring of the use of radio spectrum is performed by HAKOM, which will continue to do the same along with the development of 5G technology, in accordance with the values of permitted EMF exposure levels prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health. Should the Ordinance be changed, HAKOM will adjust its operations.

HAKOM checks compliance of the installed base stations with the permitted EMF exposure levels prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health. If during the process of checking the compliance of a particular base station there is doubt that the EMF levels do not comply with the permitted levels, HAKOM shall conduct control measurements for that station on-the-spot. EMF measurements shall also be carried out based on justified citizens' requests. All results of EMF measurements conducted by HAKOM are published within the GIS portal on the HAKOM website, and for each measuring point it is possible to access a detailed measurement report on the link.
HAKOM conducted control measurements of electromagnetic field levels at locations near base stations where 5G technology was tested in the city of Osijek. For more information on measurements, see the document.

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