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RF spectrum


Instructions for operators using the RF spectrum based on the general licence.pdf
Instructions for labelling receivers for digital television.pdf
Instructions for putting radio stations into operation.pdf


Applications for a temporary licence for events of temporary significancee.docx
Applications for investigating the cause of harmful interference.docx
Application for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum on a vessel.doc
Apllication for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum on an aircraft.docx
Application for modifying data about registered amateur radio stations
Application for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in amateur service.docx
Application for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in a microwave link.docx
Application for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in broadcasting.docx
Application for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in the satellite service.docx
Application for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a fixed radio station.docx
Application for granting a licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a mobile radio station.docx
Application for granting approval for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a microwave link.docx
Application for granting approval for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a fixed radio station.doc
Application for granting approval for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a mobile radio station.doc

Licence Forms

Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum on a vessel.pdf
Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum on an aircraft.pdf
Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in the amateur service (ARC) pdf
Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in a microwave link.pdf
Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in broadcasting.pdf
Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum in the satellite service.pdf
Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a fixed radio station.pdf
Licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a mobile radio station.pdf
Approval for the use of radio frequency spectrum in a microwave link.pdf
Approval for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a fixed radio station.pdf
Approval for the use of radio frequency spectrum for a mobile radio station.pdf
General licence for the use of radio frequency spectrum.pdf


Form for submitting a request for a technical inspection - licence for the use of RF spectrum.docx
Form for submitting a request for a technical inspection - Fulfillment of concession conditions.docx
Form for registering the start of operation of a base station in a point-to-multipoint system.docx
Form for registering the start of operation of a radio station.docx
Form for registering the start of operation station (example of filling out).pdf
Form for registering the start of opration of a radio station in free radio frequency spectrumbrazac za prijavu pocetka rada radijske postaje u slobodnom radiofrekvencijskom spektru.docx (WiFi, RLAN...)
Form for registering the start of operation of a aradio station in free frequency spectrum (example of filling out).pdf
Form for registering the installation of a radio station in the satellite service (according to the general licence).docx
Notification form of installing a radio station (example of filling out).pdf
Notification form of installing a radio station  - base stations in a point-to-multipoint system.docx


Ship Classification Table.pdf
Table of frequency bands for devices onboard vessels.pdf


Notification of installing a radio stations.docx