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New regulations in electronic communications in the New Year

Provisions on minimum internet access speed within the framework of the universal service, new ordinance on financing of HAKOM reducing some of the fees and the ordinance that will enable the development of new programs for the development of electronic communications will enter into force on 1 January.
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Presentation of “ECDL online courses”

Another successful project of HAKOM’s aid programme, which was recognized as a socially useful application, was presented and implemented in cooperation with CARNet.
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After New Year basic data transfer speed at least 1 Mbit/s

From 1 January 2015, a special retail package with data transfer speed of a minimum of 1 Mbit/s will be available to all users who do not have the technical capacity to use standard packages offered on the market and to a socially disadvantaged group of end users. The existing prices and conditions apply to the existing users of a special retail MAXnet mini package for universal service of at least 144 kbit/s pending the submission of a request for a package of a minimum of 1 Mbit/s.
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HAKOM: New frequencies for Tele2 and HT

HAKOM allocated additional RF spectrum to HT and Tele2 thus enabling these two operators to increase existing network capacity and to improve quality of service and bringing additional HRK 65 million per year to the State Budget, as a total of HRK 650 million.
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HAKOM put into operation a new upgrade of the interactive portal with the broadband speed usage map

HAKOM’s interactive portal has been upgraded with a new topic of the “Broadband Speed Usage Map”. The purpose of this upgrade is to supplement the broadband mapping project with data necessary for the drafting of projects for the development of broadband access networks to be financed from the EU funds and for the fulfilment of Digital Agenda objectives at the level of towns and municipalities or neighbourhoods of the city of Zagreb. 
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HAKOM at this year’s last BEREC plenary meeting

HAKOM participated in the 4th BEREC plenary meeting which took place on 4 and 5 December in Brussels. 
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Commission for Electronic Communications Services founded within the framework of the National Consumer Protection Council

A special Commission for Electronic Communications Services was founded within the framework of the National Consumer Protection Council which participates in the drafting and monitoring of the National Consumer Protection Programme and in the creation of consumer protection policy. The new Commission will deal with issues in the electronic communications sector – a specific market with the greatest number with individual services. HAKOM was entrusted with the position of the President of the Commission. 
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Another measuring station for control of the radiofrequency spectrum put into operation

A new HAKOM’s portable control and measuring station for control and monitoring of radio frequencies will permit even better control of the spectrum and monitoring of interferences from Italy
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Target users in the flood affected area of Slavonia received high-speed Internet before deadline

The second to last round of tenders for the development of broadband infrastructure has been completed and 29 target users from flood affected areas of Slavonia received high-speed Internet access. Schools, health care institutions and fire stations were connected to high-speed Internet 6 months before the deadline.
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Continuous demand for Internet

Demand for Internet and Internet traffic has been increasing, while, on the other hand, the use of the traditional public voice service has been declining, reported the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM). 
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HAKOM receives Friends of the IEEE Croatia Section award for 2014

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries was presented the Friends of the IEEE Croatia Section award for 2014. 
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Universal service as the central topic of the 7th ERGP’s Plenary Session

HAKOM is participating in ERGP’s 7th Plenary Session focused on universal service and all related issues. 
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Deputy President of Council of HAKOM, Domagoj Jurjević, representing BEREC at the REGULATEL summit in Puerto Rico

At the plenary session of REGULATEL, the Latin American umbrella regulatory authority, BEREC was represented by Mr. Domagoj Jurjević, Deputy President of the Council of HAKOM and Vice President of BEREC.
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Decision on the amount of net cost of unfair financial burden of the universal postal services provider

At its session of 14 November 2014, the Council of HAKOM adopted a decision on the amount of net cost representing unfair financial burden on the universal service provider, HP-Hrvatska pošte d.d.

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HAKOM publishes eleventh public tender for the development of socially-useful applications

HAKOM published the eleventh public tender for the development of four new socially-useful applications under the Programme for Internet and Broadband Development in Areas of Special State Concern, Hilly and Mountainous Areas and Islands
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