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Growth of rail freight transport and fewer passengers transported

In the fourth quarter, freight rail undertakings continued to have positive indicators in the transportation of goods in Croatia. Passenger rail transport is still in decline. 
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Continued growth of the postal services market

Increased activities on the postal services market in the Republic of Croatia at the end of the year resulted in the growth of almost all segments of the market. 
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Compliant to the new Roaming Regulation, the European Commission has extended the current rules for another 10 years

The Regulation provides a better service and significantly extends the use of roaming without additional charges when traveling in the EU Member States. 
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A survey of habits of Internet users: the most important thing to the users is the access speed, package price and quality customer service

The survey was conducted by Ipsos on the representative sample of 1003 examinees aged 18 to 65.  
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The Fourth Croatian Radio Forum held

The main topic of this year's Forum was the development of digital radio.
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Izvješće o sporovima korisnika u elektroničkim komunikacijama pred HAKOM-om za prvih šest mjeseci 2020.

Broj sporova je u blagom padu, a tijekom prvih šest mjeseci 2020. riješeno je 748 sporova.
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Objavljena nova brošura o zaštiti djece na internetu

Dopunjena i redizajnirana brošura sadrži praktične i korisne savjete o opasnostima i sigurnosti na internetu, a dostupna je u elektroničkom obliku za preuzimanje.
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HAKOM-ova brošura o pravima i obvezama putnika u željezničkom prijevozu

Nova brošura doprinos je edukaciji putnika o njihovim korisničkim pravima i obvezama, a osim na mrežnim stranicama dostupna je na većini kolodvora i u vlakovima.
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Meeting of the European Network of Rail Regulatory Body (ENRRB) has been held

A roundtable discussion on the most recent developments in the Member States was also held within the scope of the meeting as well as discussions on the practice of regulatory bodies and on the organisational changes that took place in the period after the previous meeting, held in January 2020. 
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HAKOM’s brochure on the rights and obligations of passengers in railway transport

The new brochure contributes to the education of passengers about their user rights and obligations, and apart from websites it is available on the majority of train stations and in trains. 
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Recommendation on Minimum Receiver Technical Requirements for the Reception of DAB + signal issued by HAKOM

The document represents minimum technical requirements that DAB + receivers should meet in order to ensure high quality reception of digital radio services in the Republic of Croatia. The DAB + network is currently in operation, and the beginning of commercial work is expected  in 2021. 
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The European Commission proposes new Rules for Digital Services

The new set of rules for digital services and digital markets is an ambitious EU plan how to regulate electronic communications services and markets in order to provide ne possibilities, and in the meantime to ensure protection to all the users. 
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New Brochure on Child Online Protection published

The updated and redesigned brochure contains practical and useful advice on the risks and safety on the Internet and it is available in the electronic downloaded format. 
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Roaming recorded a fall, operators face revenue loss

Total revenue on the electronic communications market recorded a fall of 4.9% in the first nine months of 2020, mainly due to a decrease in roaming traffic. At the same time, the overall Internet traffic in fixed and mobile networks increased 36%.
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Published "Susretnica"

“Susretnica” is an application designed to raise awareness about the importance and correct ways of accessing people with different types of disability.
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Grant Contract for Implementation of NP-BBI Programme signed

The programme includes the deployment of passive fibre-optic infrastructure to targeted settlements in suburban and rural areas.
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Recovery of the postal services market

On the Croatian postal services market, in the third quarter the growth has been recorded in almost all segments of the market after the fall in the first and second quarters. 
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Growth of rail freight transport and fewer passengers transported

In the third quarter, freight rail undertakings continued to have positive indicators in the transportation of goods in Croatia. Passenger rail transport is still in decline. 
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