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The public consultation on amendments to Radio Frequency Allocation Table

There is an ongoing public consultation on Radio Frequency Allocation Table. The public consultation will be open until 29 May 2015.
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HAKOM at ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe

At the Regional Development Forum for Europe, held from 20 - 22 April, Bucharest, Romania, HAKOM reported on the activities regarding "Broadband for Sustainable Development”.
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HAKOM: May 1, 2015. New consumers’ rights and enhanced supervision of the operators

In May 1, 2015. ,new consumer rights in electronic communications are coming into force, therefore HAKOM will enhance the supervision on the Croatian Market ensuring that new regulations are being followed by the operators.
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A public call to determine the quality of providing the universal services in electronic communications.

At least once in two years HAKOM determines whether the universal services are being provided in an appropriate way and of an appropriate quality, and it determines which operators are interested to provide of one or more services within the universal services and / or to cover different parts of the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
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HAKOM at the plenary meeting of the Independent Regulators’ Group - Rail

This year’s first plenary meeting of the Independent Regulators’ Group – RAIL was held in The Hague. The meeting focused on topics concerning the Fourth Railway Package and on improving the role of and mutual cooperation between independent national regulatory authorities in the rail services sector. 
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ITU organized a gathering on accessibility of electronic communications to people with disabilities

ITU organized in Geneva a meeting for rapporteurs on accessibility of electronic communications to people with disabilities with a view to promoting and implementing services and solutions for easier and more quality access. 
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The First Croatian Internet Governance Forum announced (Croatian IGF)

The First Croatian Internet Governance Forum (Croatian IGF) will be held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing on 6 May 2015. 
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Frequency Coordination Agreement signed with Slovenia for bands between 29.7 MHz and 470 MHz

Frequency Coordination Agreement was signed with Slovenia for bands between 29.7 MHz and 470 MHz. This facilitates the mutual coordination of frequencies for private mobile communication networks.
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HAKOM made possible the lowering of prices for outgoing calls to neighbouring non-EU countries

By amending regulatory obligations, HAKOM made Croatian operators equal in business operations to foreign operators outside of the EU and thus made possible the lowering of prices for outgoing calls to neighbouring countries. It is expected that prices of outgoing calls to neighbouring non-EU countries will soon decrease.
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“Retreat” for regulators organized by ITU

HAKOM participated at the “retreat” for regulators, that is, a gathering entitled “ICT Regulators' Leadership Retreat – Getting Ready for Tomorrow: Regulation in a Data-Driven Connected World“, which was organized last week by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 
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“HAKOM SAT“ – new system for collecting and analysing market indicators

HAKOM introduced a new system for collecting and analysing market indicators on markets under its competence – “HAKOM SAT“.
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First in a series of “As if..” meetings between the EC and BEREC took place in Brussels

The first in a series of “As if..” meetings between the EC and representatives of BEREC was held in Brussels. The meetings will focus on the most important aspects of the regulatory framework and on future implementation of the framework. 
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12th Telecom, Media and Technology Arena 2015

HAKOM once again participates this year in the 12th Telecom, Media and Technology Arena 2015, the biggest gathering of that kind in South East Europe.
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HAKOM at the workshop on increasing accessibility of communications services to persons with disabilities

A workshop for the exchange of experiences in the field of accessibility of communications services to persons with disabilities was held in Barcelona. 
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HAKOM at 7th meeting of ENRRB

HAKOM is participating in the 7th meeting of the European Network of Rail Regulatory Bodies, which is taking place in Athens on 18 and 19 March.

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HAKOM talks with units of local and regional self-government of the Splitsko-Dalmatinska County about broadband development

The meeting on broadband development in the Splitsko-Dalmatinska County with was held in Split with representatives of local and regional self-government and of the business and academic community.
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