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Ethics Commissioner

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries has enacted the Code of Ethics for Employees of the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (hereinafter: the Code of Ethics), which prescribes moral principles and principles of professional ethics that all employees of the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (hereinafter: HAKOM) should adhere to in their professional and public activities.

Users of services, business entities of HAKOM, HAKOM employees, and other individuals can submit a complaint to the Ethics officer regarding the conduct of HAKOM employees, which they believe is contrary to the provisions of the Code of Ethics.

The right to file a complaint to the Ethics officer is possible:
  • by mail to the address of HAKOM: Ulica Roberta Frangeša-Mihanovića 9, 10110 Zagreb
  • by fax to: 01 700 70 70
  • by email to:
  • or in person at the HAKOM office on weekdays from 08:30 to 11:30 and 12:30 to 15:30.
For additional information, please call: 01 700 70 07.

Code of Ethics for Employees of the Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency.pdf