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The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries strives to make its webs accessible in accordance with the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies of the Republic of Croatia (NN, No. 17/19; hereinafter referred to as), transposing the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (OJ L 327, 2.12.2016).

This Accessibility Statement applies to the website of the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries located at:

The website of the e-Citizens digital platform is partially compliant with the Act due to the non-compliances (non-accessible content) listed below.

Inaccessible Content

The content listed below is inaccessible for the following reasons:

a) Non-compliance with the Act on Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies of the Republic of Croatia

The website of the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries is largely compliant with the Act in force since September 23, 2019, with exceptions as follows:
  • As the main elements of the websites, except for the homepage, the so-called "Home", structural elements from the HTML5 standard (header, footer, nav, section, article, aside) are not used everywhere instead of div elements so that screen readers can recognize the meaning of each element, i.e., so that blind and visually impaired people know when they are moving from one section, chapter, or other category of content to another.
  • In cases where the screen reader does not recognize the element and/or incorrectly conveys the information, the information is not conveyed on all websites with an audio recording.
  • Images and complex images on all websites do not have a Croatian-language description containing the most important information about what the image depicts.
  • Links are not descriptive on all websites to provide information about the content behind them.
  • In order to ensure accessibility requirements for audio and video recordings on the website, the official YouTube channel of the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries is used, and consequently, the available functionalities or limitations of the YouTube platform.
  • The size of icons in mobile applications, along with the space around them, which are activated by touch, is not at least 48 x 48 dp9 on all web pages, and the distance between these so-called clickable elements, as well as their distance from the text, is not at least 8 pt on all web pages.
  • PDF files on all web pages are not entirely created by exporting from the source file using Microsoft Office Word tools with selected accessibility options, but rather by scanning printed documents, and therefore, they are not accessible as they are not appropriately prepared for screen readers.
b) Disproportionate burden

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries temporarily invokes an exception for all non-compliance listed in point a) due to disproportionate burden in accordance with Article 8 of the Act.

c) The content is not within the scope of the Act on Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies of the Republic of Croatia.

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries is continuously working on eliminating the identified non-compliance issues.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was drafted on September 23, 2020, according to the Accessibility Statement Template compliant with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, as established by Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523.

The assessment of compliance with accessibility requirements is the result of self-assessment by the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries.

The statement was last reviewed on September 23, 2020.

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries will regularly review this statement after addressing the reasons for which certain content was inaccessible.

Feedback and Contact Information

Please inform the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries if users of these websites notice any non-compliant content that is not covered by this statement.
All inquiries related to the accessibility of HAKOM's website, can be found at the email:

Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Procedure

The Information Commissioner of the Republic of Croatia is responsible for monitoring the compliance of websites and mobile application solutions of public sector bodies with accessibility requirements, as well as overseeing the implementation of the Act.

In case of unsatisfactory responses to notifications or requests for feedback on the accessibility of these websites, users can contact the Information Commissioner via email: